County Parcel Search (Updated every Tuesday) The County "Parcel Search" will assist you in finding information about parcels in the County. Search by one or any combination you choose.
Owner's Name: (Example = LastName FirstName)
Property Address: (Ex. Number = 210, Name = Main)
Street Number: Street Name: Zip:
Bi-LevelRanchSplit LevelConventionalModernEarth ContactEarth ShelterBungalowOld StyleVictorianColonialTraditionalOther - 14ModularRaised RanchRanchetteCabinLogMisc. MetalHouse conversion aptsBuilt as Duplex
Year Built Range:
Start Year: End Year:
Total Bedrooms:
Property Desc (S/T/R):
SEC: 010203040506070809101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536 TWP: 05060708096 RNG: 01312E1313E14E1515E1616E
Full: 0123456 Half: 01245
Appraised Amount: (Example = min 50000 and max 75000)
Min $: Max $:
Is there a Basement?:
Slab - 1Crawl - 2Partial - 3Full - 4Walkout - 5
Property Class:
Class: Agricultural UseCommercial & IndustrialExemptFarm HomesiteNot for ProfitResidentialUtilityVacant
Acre Range: (Ex. Min 20 Max 500)
Min : Max :
Neighborhood Code:
LBCS Structure:
2 units (duplex) - 12023 units (triplex) - 12034 units (fourplex) - 1204Administration building - 4223Armory - 2645Auditorium - 3115Auto repair garage - 2281Automobile repair and service structures - 2280Automobile showroom/dealership (full service) - 2290Bank - 2120Bank, branch - 2122Bar / tavern - 2222Barber / beauty shop - 2208Boarding / rooming house - 1191Cabin, transient labor - 1196Car wash (automatic) - 2274Car wash (manual) - 2273Casino - 3250Church with Sunday school - 3510Churches, synagogues, temples, mosques, etc. - 3500City Hall - 3630Club house - 3220Community center - 3811Convalescent / rehabilitation hospital - 4112Convenience store/mini-market - 2232Country club (with golf course) - 3231County Courthouse - 3620Day care center - 3850Department store - 2240Detached SFR unit - 1110Discount store - 2251Downtown row store - 2202Dwelling converted to apartments - 1305Elementary school - 4211Fast food restaurant - 2221Fellowship hall - 3520Fire and rescue station - 4510Fire station (staffed) - 4511Fire station (volunteer) - 4512Fitness center - 3241Funeral home / mortuary / cremation facilities - 4800Garage storage - 2733Garden apartment (3 story & under) - 1301Government community service building - 3820Guest cottage - 1195Gymnasium - 4219Heavy industrial structures and facilities - 2620Hospital - 4110Hotels, motels, and tourist courts - 1330Indoor games facility - 3200Industrial buildings and structures - 2600Jail / police station - 4602Jails, penitentiary / detention center / correctional facili - 4600Library building - 4300Loft building - 2611Lumber storage shed (horizontal) - 2737Medical clinic - 4120Medical facility - 4100Medical office building - 2104Mini-mart (gas station convenience shop) - 2233Mini-warehouse - 2710Mixed commercial with residential - built as residence - 1362Motel - 1333Multi occupancy retail store - 2505Multifamily structures - 1200Multipurpose building - 4225Museum / science center - 4460Nursing home/ adult care facility - 1306Office building (low rise 1-4 stories) - 2101Office or bank buildings - 2100Office/warehouse - 2735On-ground anchored steel tank - 6253Outdoor facility/pavilion/bandstand/gazebo - 4440Post office (main) - 2641Primary / secondary school - 4210Public safety-related facility - 4500Refrigerated warehouse or cold storage - 2750Residential buildings - 1000Restaurant - 2220Retail condominium - 2203School or university buildings - 4200Senior center - 3225Service garage shed - 2282Service station (full service) - 2271Service station (self-service) - 2272Single unit in duplex (half-duplex) - 1121Single-family building - 1100Social / fraternal hall - 3810Standalone store or shop building - 2230Store or shop building - 2200Supermarket - 2261Telephone equipment building - 2647Veterinary clinic - 4122Warehouse or storage facility - 2700Warehouse structure - 2730Warehouse, prefab - 2731Water supply pump station - 6210Water treatment and purification (WTP) facility - 6270
LBCS Function:
Accessory residential support use (garage/shed) - 1199Animal shelter / pound - 2721Arts / entertainment / recreation facility - 5000Assisted-living facility - 1230Auditorium / concert hall / performing arts center - 5116Auto service station (full service with garage bays) - 2116Automobile / light truck / RV dealership - 2111Automotive specialized services - 2170Bank ATM kiosk or remote facility - 2212Bank, credit union, or savings institution - 2210Bar / tavern / lounge - 2540Branch bank (drive up facility) - 2211Building / development / general contracting - 7100Camp ground / camping park - 5420Casino hotel - 1340Cemetery / cremation services - 6720Charitable Institution - 6570Child day care / learning center - 6562Church / place of worship - 6610Civic club - 6831Commercial highest and best use - 9950Convenience retail center - 2104Convenience store - 2152Country club golf course - 5375Discount store - 2128Downtown row store - 2101Drinking water purification / distribution - 4331Drive-in restaurant - 2521Duplex - 1102Dwelling converted to apartments - 1180Education / public admin / health care / other institutions - 6000Electric power generation - 4310Electrical equipment / appliance / components mfg. - 3360Elementary - 6121Fairground - 5315Farming / ranch land (no improvements) - 9010Farming / ranch land (with Ag improvements) - 9020Farming / ranch operation (with improvements) - 9050Fast food restaurant - 2522Federally subsidized apartment complex - 1171Fire and rescue - 6410Fourplex - 1104Fraternal institution - 6832Full-service restaurant - 2510Funeral home / mortuary - 6710Furniture and related products mfg - 3230Garden apartment complex (1-3 stories) - 1170General office buildings (1-4 stories) - 2401General recreation park - 5510General sales or services (nec) - 2000Golf course - 5374Government offices (legislative and executive functions) - 6210Grain milling products mfg - 3113Grain storage elevator - 9231Grocery store / supermarket - 2151Gypsum / plaster / concrete products mfg - 3334Hospital - 6530Hotel / motel - 1330Institutional highest and best use - 9965Lake / pond - 8590Lawn and garden supplies / Feed store - 2123Libraries & Archives - 4242Low Rise (Walk-up) apartment - 1172Lumberyard / building materials store - 2126Machinery mfg - 3350Manufactured home park - 1165Manufactured home site - 1160Meat products mfg - 3111Medical / dental office or clinic - 6511Middle (junior high school) - 6122Mini-storage warehouse / self-storage - 2321Miscellaneous manufacturing - 3400Museum / science & technology center - 5210Natural gas utility - 4321Office/Retail common area and facilities - 2405Ornamental park - 5520Other government functions - 6300Parking Lot (uncovered) - 2650Periodical publishing / printing - 4213Pipeline transportation - 4180Playground - 5377Police station / law enforcement center - 6420Postal services - 4170Quick lube shop - 2176Recreational / cultural / entertainment highest and best use - 9970Religious living quarters - 6630Residential highest and best use - 9910Retail store - 2102Retail unit (within a structure) - 2103Retirement housing - 1210Rooming and boarding house - 1320Salvage Yard / recycle center - 3519School and employee bus transportation - 4135Self-service car wash - 2172Senior (high school) - 6123Service garage / paint shop / detailing - 2175Single family residence (detached) - 1101Social assistance service / welfare / charitable service - 6560Solid waste disposal / landfill - 4345Sports and recreation education - 6147Sports complex / arena / playing field - 5379Surgical clinic - 6531Telephone communication - 4234Townhouse unit or attached lvg unit in multifamily structure - 1105Transmitter / antenna facility - 4238Transportation / communication / information / utilities - 4000Transportation / utility highest and best use - 9940Triplex - 1103Unused / Undeveloped - 9900Veterinary office / clinic - 2418Warehouse distribution / storage facility - 3610Warehouse-office combination - 3640Warehouse-retail combination - 3630Waste treatment and disposal - 4346
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